By Rosie Moore

Moving is no fun! What a chore! I cannot enumerate how many times I have moved in my life and I get a jealous feeling when people say, “I have lived in this house all my life”–or thirty, forty, or fifty years. I never could afford to have someone come and pack up everything, transport it to my new location and then unpack it. What a dream!

I am a collector. I have about one hundred and fifty bells to wrap in newspaper. Before DVD’s, I collected videos. I have about a hundred of them. Thank goodness, they don’t have to be wrapped. Now I have about fifty DVD’s. You never know how many “dust catchers” you can accumulate over the years. I collect refrigerator magnets which can be thrown in a box, lighthouses, butterflies, and oil lanterns, recipe books, and, of course, books–four bookcases full of them.

The first thing I look for in my new home is where the sun shines through my windows. This is important to me because I have a lot of indoor plants (and outdoor plants) and some like a lot of sunshine and others don’t need as much. The morning sun wakes me in my bedroom and by noon it swings around to the living room. As the day ends, the dining area and kitchen are aglow with the setting sun. It seems to me that most of my homes follow this route. I sometimes wonder if people building houses use the same blueprints.

Whenever you move the love of family and friends follow. If you move to a far-off place, then you will make new friends, which is something to look forward to. I hope and pray that I don’t move again!

Thought for the day: Be the change that you wish to see in the world.    Mahatma Gandhi

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