McMillan Decides Not To Seek Board Chairmanship
By Focus Staff
Mike McMillan has announced he will not continue to seek the chairmanship of the Knox County Board of Education. A former Chair of the Board, McMillan and Sixth District Board member Terry Hill deadlocked earlier this month 4-4 with one member absent. McMillan served as chair two years ago and said he would consider serving as chair at some point in the future.
McMillan said he would not seek the chairmanship nor accept it due to his need to recover from recent surgery. “My voice is still weak and I need a little more time to recover and that’s the most important thing right now.” McMillan said he is concentrating on his district and serving his constituents.
“I have always tried to pay close attention to matters in my district and I still take a lot of pleasure from that. This is going to be a critical year and the chairman of the school board is going to have a lot of work to do and face some significant challenges,” McMillan said.