The Dangers of Wokespeak

The Dangers of Wokespeak By Dr. Harold A. Black I am a bit dismayed that so-called conservative media has adopted the language of the left. I once wrote an essay for a solidly conservative organization that proceeded to...

Are Hospitals Racist With Kidney Transplants?

Are Hospitals Racist With Kidney Transplants? By Dr. Harold A. Black As was the case with my recent posting on the Supreme Court, I once again tread into an area of scant expertise – kidney disease. In the Biden administration’s...

An Illegal Crisis

An Illegal Crisis By Dr. Harold A. Black I am deeply troubled by the report that a group of Trump advisors are working on recommendations to deport the 30+ million illegals in the country. Personally, I do not want to live in a...

Drain The Swamp?

Drain The Swamp? By Dr. Harold A. Black Trump wants to “drain the swamp” which means he wants to dismantle the administrative state. He proposes to do this because the vast majority of federal workers are Democrats which he...

Who Is The Biggest Threat To Democracy?

Who Is The Biggest Threat To Democracy?   By Dr. Harold A. Black The Democrats have shouted “threat to democracy” since the advent of Trump. They and their media allies have done such a great job that over 80 percent of the...