Crazy times in college

By Joe Rector On his way home from a family reunion in Pittsburgh with his dad’s parents and uncles and aunts, 16-year-old grandson Madden visited The University of Kentucky. My daughter Lacey said that the trip did what it was supposed to do, but I’m not sure I...

Maybe there is not a new Ford pickup in my future

Maybe there is not a new Ford pickup in my future By Dr. Harold A. Black Truck owners are famously loyal. I have heard Ram owners heap scorn on GMCs and Fords while those owners ridicule Rams. I am a Ford pickup guy. I bought my...

Trump Hatred Has Become Mental Illness In Some

Trump Hatred Has Become Mental Illness In Some By John J. Duncan Jr. For many years, people used to describe Richard Nixon as the most hated man in American politics. But the hatred for Nixon pales in comparison to the hatred that many millions...

Enjoying a ‘Senior Day’ at the Fair

Enjoying a ‘Senior Day’ at the Fair By Steve Williams I took a timeout last week and went to the Anderson County Fair in Clinton, my hometown. This year’s Fair was billed “The 6 Best Days of Summer.” I had driven through Clinton the first of July and saw a sign...

How long was spring practice in 1938?

How long was spring practice in 1938? By Tom Mattingly Tennessee head football coach Robert R. Neyland had returned to Knoxville looking to pick up where he left off in his first tenure as head coach of the University of Tennessee football team. From 1926 through...

Turning Point

Turning Point By Dr. Jim Ferguson I’m reading the novel “11/22/63” by Stephen King about the Kennedy assassination. A focal point of the novel is how an event serves as a turning point in someone’s life. King writes beautifully, but his usual macabre oeuvre is not my...