Turning Point

Turning Point By Dr. Jim Ferguson I’m reading the novel “11/22/63” by Stephen King about the Kennedy assassination. A focal point of the novel is how an event serves as a turning point in someone’s life. King writes beautifully, but his usual macabre oeuvre is not my...

The Missing Element

The Missing Element It is the Duty of all Nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His Will, to be grateful for His Benefits, and humbly to implore His Protection and Favor. George Washington By Dr. Jim Ferguson Have you noticed how quiet...

The Potemkin Presidency

The Potemkin Presidency “Campaigns are snapshots and sound bites.” Dan Bongino By Dr. Jim Ferguson They all knew, and by now, so do we. They lied to us repeatedly, just as they lied about Russian collusion, Covid, January 6, Charlottesville and I could go on. So...

Signs of the Time

Signs of the Time “It’s good to go, but it’s great to come home.” JVF By Dr. Jim Ferguson I hope everyone read my June 10, 2024 essay, “Gotham.” Actually, I hope my essays are read every week. But more importantly, I wanted you to consider implementing the action...


Isms By Dr. Jim Ferguson People ask me, “When do you write?” And I often explain that I’m always writing. Thankfully topics keep finding me because I have a 1000+ word essay due each Thursday afternoon. Actually, I’m blessed to have this column to hopefully make a...

Truth AND Consequences

Truth AND Consequences By Dr. Jim Ferguson Young whipper snappers may not remember the TV game show Truth or Consequences, but I do. Actually, I didn’t watch the show which began in the early 1950s. In my youthful years, I preferred Looney Tunes cartoons. Neither...