Stephanie Welch, Director of Community Development and Planning for Knox County, and Mayor Tim Burchett celebrate Food Week at the New Harvest Market’s Farmers Market last Thursday. Photo by Dan Andrews..
While the rest of the nation celebrated Food Day on October 24, Knoxville and Knox County celebrated a full Week of Food, October 22 to October 26, 2012. The Knoxville-Knox County Week of Food brought together partners from across the community to move toward healthy, affordable and sustainable food. The goal was to celebrate local farms and markets, promote safer and healthier diets, reduce hunger, and support fairness in food production and food retail. A variety of events were held throughout the week.
On Food Day itself, Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett, in partnership with the Knoxville-Knox County Food Policy Council, celebrated East Tennessee food heritage at the New Harvest Park Farmers Market.
“The New Harvest Farmers Market is an excellent example of supporting local businesses and farmers, and it makes sense that we would choose to celebrate Food Week at the market to thank them for their contribution,” said Mayor Burchett.
While most events ended last week, “Nourishing Change: Helping Hands Food Pantry” continues through October 31. Though their Nourishing Change program, Three Rivers Market accepts donations at the register in support of organizations doing good work in our community. October’s recipient, Helping Hands Food Pantry, is a ministry of St. James Episcopal Church. The pantry’s work serving the poor and hungry fits with the co-op’s mission and the purpose of Food Day, to improve health and food access in our community. In addition to monetary donations, Three Rivers Market is also accepting non-perishable food donations for the pantry. Stop by the store to learn more and make a donation through the month of October.
Three Rivers Market is located at 1100 North Central Street.