Seymour Breakfast Rotary Club President Bonnie Finchum announces RIDE TO PROVIDE, the club’s 4th annual motorcycle ride. Proceeds from the fund raising activity will benefit the Rotary Club of Infanta in Quezon, Philippines.
According to Finchum, there are literally hundreds of malnourished children in this area of Philippines. The Seymour club will provide non-perishable food items to establish a sustainable feeding program in 50 daycare centers.
The club invites all motorcyclists to join them in this effort Saturday, June 16, 2012. The ride will start at the Knoxville Harley-Davidson West, 605 Lovell Road, Knoxville (Concord), with on-site registration beginning at 1:00 p.m. The ride gets underway with kick stands up at 3:00 p.m.
Destination is Sevier County Utility District’s pavilion located at 420 Robert Henderson Road, Sevierville, where hot dogs and hamburgers will be served, and live entertainment will be provided. Dinner will begin at approximately 5:00 p.m.
Finchum promises great prizes will be awarded. A 50/50 drawing will divide proceeds between a lucky winner and the hunger campaign.
Riders get a T-Shirt with their $20 entry fee. Passengers pay $15. Sponsorships are available. For additional information, call Jack Funderburk at 865-356-4330, or email
Registrations may be mailed to Seymour Breakfast Rotary Club, P.O. Box 355, Seymour, TN 37865. The ride will be postponed to June 23 in the event of rain.