Up to $100,000 combined available for Individuals and Organizations
The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to announce Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grants, a funding program through the Arts & Heritage Fund. Distributed through the Arts & Culture Alliance, Bailey Opportunity grants provide opportunities to individual artists and small, professionally-oriented arts and culture organizations (whose budgets are under $100,000). The grants are designed to spur continued artistic and administrative growth in innovative, entrepreneurial artists and organizations at any stage in their development. Projects that allow for the exploration of new avenues of creativity, wrestling with new ideas that can advance one’s creative work, and strengthening business practices are especially encouraged.
The electronic application receipt deadline is midnight on Sunday, March 21, 2021. Applicants must speak with Liza Zenni, Executive Director of the Arts & Culture Alliance, prior to submitting an application. Email LZ@knoxalliance.com to request a phone or Zoom meeting.
Awards typically range from $100 to $15,000. Bailey Opportunity grants will invest $100,000 in East Tennessee arts projects and programs taking place July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
Interested applicants may view the guidelines and download the application at www.knoxalliance.com/bailey. Previous grantees are eligible to apply.
The goal of Bailey Opportunity Grants is to create a more vital creative community in Knoxville by: encouraging contributions to the city’s economy and quality of life by artists and arts and history organizations; positioning Knoxville as a community that honors its creative industry and supports the efforts of artists and organizations to achieve excellence; and raising public profiles of artists and organizations within the city and beyond.
A list of the past three year’s grantees may be viewed at www.knoxalliance.com/bailey.