Why is Farragut Intermediate School principal, Reggie Mosley, a long time ardent supporter of the University of Alabama wearing University of Tennessee orange the week of the UT vs Bama game?
“I am honoring a challenge my students issued to me in regards to our recent Knox County Schools coupon book sales,” stated Mosley.
The school’s coupon book theme was “Book by Book” echoing the University of Tennessee’s football teams challenge “Brick by Brick.” If students met his goal of selling 5,500 coupon books, he agreed to wear orange this week, spend Friday working under an orange tent, and would listen to Rocky Top as he eats lunch with the top school coupon book sellers.
Motivated Farragut Intermediate Students responded by not only meeting the goal, but exceeded it! Led by top seller, fifth grade student Howie Sentell, the students sold over 5,600 coupon books—“Book by Book.” The money raised by the students will be spent on instructional supplies, technology updates, and other school needs.
In addition to Mr. Mosley being a “Vol For Life” fan this week, other incentives were given to students, teachers, and classes for selling coupon book. These include gift cards to locate restaurants and stores. Everyone was excited to be a part of this year’s coupon book sale. In fact, this Friday the school cafeteria is serving a special “Big Orange” cookie for all students!