~ from the Office of Neighborhoods
The City of Knoxville will host a public meeting about the results of a study regarding the possible future uses of Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center. The meeting is Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 6 p.m., at the Jacob Building, 3301 E Magnolia Ave. Consultants have been gathering input and analyzing the park’s many potentials for the past nine months and will present their recommendations.
Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center serves as home to the Tennessee Valley Fair each fall and to The Muse and Golden Gloves Charities year-round. Adjacent to Chilhowee Park is the 53-acre Zoo Knoxville, the city’s top attraction, which welcomed 512,112 visitors in 2018 and set a new attendance record for the fourth consecutive year.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or LEP (Limited English Proficient) and want to request interpretation services, please contact Title VI Coordinator Tatia M. Harris at tharris@knoxvilletn.gov or 865.215.2831.
If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation to attend, contact the City’s ADA Coordinator, Stephanie Brewer Cook, at 865.215.2034 or scook@knoxvilletn.gov at least 72 hours before the meeting.