Buried deep in the budget summary report on page 25 is an interesting statistic. Red light camera revenue is expected to generate only $39,830.00 in revenue for the FY 13/14 budget. This represents  $200,520.00 less than the current FY 12/13 budget…an 83.4% reduction in revenue.  The reason for this stark contrast in revenue is related both to new state laws and a one time back payment that will not be repeated in  FY13/14. Interesting to note is that in FY 10/11 the actual amount of ticket fines collected was $1,443,572.00

On a related note according to page 28 of the budget summary, account code 5423 states that the amount of revenue generated from accident reports will be the same for FY 12/13 as FY 13/14. The money generated is projected to be $71,340.00  This is down considerably from actual revenue in 10/11 in which $85,261.00 was generated.


Dan Andrews reporting…