Knox County District Attorney General Charme Allen announces details for 2023 Citizens Academy.

The District Attorney General’s Citizens Academy is held in the fall and offers a behind-the-scenes look at the criminal justice system. Participants learn about the specific roles of law enforcement officers, attorneys, judges, and jurors, while being exposed to the inner-workings and complexities involved in prosecution.

Citizens can practice what they have learned by participating in a mock trial, arguing a criminal case as prosecutors. In addition to the mock trial, assistant district attorneys present on a wide range of topics including Criminal Justice 101, the “CSI Effect,” the drug epidemic, gangs, and other trends impacting community safety.

“The Knox County District Attorney General’s Office was the first in the State to offer this type of behind-the-scenes look at a prosecutor’s office,” shares District Attorney General Charme Allen. “It is my honor to serve as Knox County’s District Attorney and I want all citizens to be aware of the work that our dedicated prosecutors, victim/witness coordinators, investigators, and support staff do on their behalf. I also want citizens to know how to encourage community safety in their circles of influence.”

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and live or work in Knox County. For more information or to apply visit,

If you have any questions, please contact Sean McDermott at 865-215-2515 or For more information about the District Attorney’s Office, visit our website at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.