A Scarfmaking Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
To promote Breast Cancer awareness month and cancer survivorship, Dogwood Arts is hosting a scarfmaking fundraiser, Boobs & Blooms on October 22 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at Krutch Park Extension in Downtown Knoxville. Buying a $30 ticket* allows participants to BOGO (buy one, give one) colorful and cheerful silk scarf. Purchase $30 tickets in advance here: https://www.dogwoodarts.com/boobs-blooms
* Tickets will also be available on-site at the event for $35
Funds raised during Boobs & Blooms will allow Dogwood Arts to collaborate with the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee on artist-led creative workshops for cancer patients and caregivers. These workshops allow participants to escape from the stress, fear, and often pain of their treatment by producing creative works of art. People can participate at any stage of the cancer continuum from diagnosis, treatment, post treatment, survivorship, end-of-life, and bereavement.
Research has shown that art therapy is a healing activity. Studies suggest that the psychological health of a cancer patient can be improved by engaging in the artistic process. Art Therapy creates a safe place for people with cancer, and their families, to explore emotions such as anger, fear and anxiety about cancer and its treatment. Through artistic self-expression and being in community with others facing cancer and its related treatments, participants have the opportunity to improve their well-being and quality of life as well as reduce feelings of isolation and despair.
Dogwood Arts, presented by ORNL Federal Credit Union, is a 501(c)3 with a mission to promote and celebrate our region’s art, culture, and natural beauty.