Due to inclement weather the in-service training has been rescheduled to February 10, 2018 and the training location is: Sarah Simpson Bldg, 801 Tipton Ave- Time -8:30-2:00. All pre-registrations will be honored on the new date.
The registration period has re-opened until January 31, 2018 all certified staff register at “my learning plan” and classified registers at www.mlkknoxville.com and click on the Teacher In-service link. If you planned to register at the door please go to the website.
The cost is $10.00 at the door.
Questions or Concerns Please email the Teacher In-service Chair –Joshalyn Hundley at: teacherinservice@mlkknoxville.com or call 865.971.2005 or email the Commission- Chairs Clarence Vaughn or Deborah Porter at chair@mlkknoxville.com .