The Knoxville Bar Association Law Practice Today Expo is anticipated to substantially increase participation from attorneys and law office staff with the return to an in-person format. This cutting-edge conference focuses on connecting law firms to the tools they need and will be held at the U.T. Conference Center in Knoxville on March 31 and April 1.
Now in its sixteenth year, this landmark event promises to be the largest, most interactive Expo to date, providing a rare opportunity to network with others and witness the latest and greatest products and services available to the legal community today.
The focus of the Expo has evolved to encompass law office management and technology within the business of law. There will be twenty-two different educational sessions available on Thursday afternoon and on Friday. The Expo will bring together more than three hundred lawyers, law students, IT staff, legal administrators, paralegals, and other support staff to learn about staying competitive and how to secure client data.
Industry experts and longtime ABA TECHSHOW faculty will be on hand to discuss what the future holds for the legal profession. In addition, there will be panel discussions that will offer candid discussions about the practice management, and seasoned pros will discuss technology and research options.
On Thursday, Expo attendees will enjoy a Moonshine Reception sponsored by First Horizon that includes a Meet & Greet with the judicial candidates running in the May 3 primary election. Friday will offer a Judicial Roundtable Luncheon sponsored by Ritchie Davies Johnson Stovall, LLC, with tables hosted by our local judiciary. Our keynote speakers include Randy Boyd, President of the University of Tennessee, founder of Radio Systems Corporation and owner of the Tennessee Smokies, and Doug Kirchhofer, CEO of Tennessee Smokies Baseball, to share insights on the Smokies’ upcoming season and details on the new multi-use stadium planned for downtown Knoxville.
A FREE pass to the Exhibit Hall is available to any member of a local law firm or anyone affiliated with the Knoxville legal community, but registration in advance is required
To learn more about the Knoxville Bar Association Law Practice Expo, visit