A Brown Bag Lecture with John J. Duncan, Jr.,
on March 16, 2022, at 12 p.m.
In a noon lecture on Wednesday, March 16, Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr., will present “From Batboy to Congressman: Thirty Years in the U.S. House – Book Talk,” a discussion focused on Congressman Duncan’s unique professional and personal development. Congressman Duncan served as U.S. Representative for Tennessee’s Second District from 1988-2019. While he could have written a dense memoir, he chose to share anecdotes from his life. Join us to learn more about his family, early life, and time as a lawyer and judge and how these stories figure into his public service career. “As you will read in this book,” writes Congressman Duncan, “every job gave me strange, funny, and unusual stories.”
This program is one in a series of hybrid Brown Bag programs and lectures sponsored by the Albers Family Foundation in memory of Harriet Z. Albers. The East Tennessee Historical Society is privileged to share regional history with our members and the public. http://www.easttnhistory.org/events/batboy-congressman-thirty-years-us-house-book-talk