~from the Office of Neighborhoods


Humanities Tennessee announces a free training in Nashville on Mar. 25-26, 2020.  See details below on how to apply with a letter of interest by Monday, Nov. 4, 2019.


What is the Neighborhood Story Project? The Neighborhood Story Project (NSP) is a tool for providing a voice in shaping the place called home.


Places across Tennessee are seeing rapid changes from many factors, such as growth, decline in population, or the economy. What’s happening where you live? What do your neighbors want to talk about?


The Neighborhood Story Project (NSP) engages a team of 8-12 residents in a facilitated community research project. Over the course of 12 weekly, two-hour meetings, participants develop a collective line of inquiry related to their community, collect data to explore their research questions (such as interviews with the community members, contemporary and historic photographs, and archival materials), and ultimately disseminate their findings at a culminating community event. The research, goals and outcomes of each NSP are unique; skilled co-facilitators are required. Do you want to facilitate a Neighborhood Story Project in your community?


The purpose of the NSP is to increase residents’ knowledge of their neighborhoods, to strengthen their connections to place and each other, and to enable participants to make meaningful contributions to local opportunities and challenges. The flexible platform may be adapted to rural areas or urban neighborhoods.  It is a resource for any group that seeks active, informed neighbors at the table to consider and/or make change in its community. For examples of recent projects, visit their website.


The two-day training will cover all aspects of the project, including recruitment, leading weekly sessions, supporting the interests and talents of the group, facilitation methods, materials needed, planning culminating projects and budgeting. Dr. Amie Thurber, who designed and piloted the NSP, will lead the training. Participants will receive a detailed facilitation guide and flexible curriculum.


Humanities Tennessee provides:

* Free, two-day facilitator training in Nashville, with materials

* Lodging, group meals, mileage reimbursement

* Potential funding up to $3000 to participating organizations to conduct a Neighborhood Story Project


In return, participating organizations will:

* Submit a letter of interest to attend the training by November 4, 2019.

* Send up to two persons to the Nashville training (co-facilitation is encouraged).

* Complete a Neighborhood Story Project by June 30, 2021.