The Knoxville Bar Association released the results of its Candidate Survey for the City of Knoxville Municipal Judge on the ballot for the August 29 Primary Election. The Survey asked each KBA member to carefully assess whether the candidates have demonstrated the knowledge, skill, experience, training, education, professional ethics, and temperament to fulfill the duties of Municipal Court Judge. The candidates were rated according to the following options: Strongly Recommend, Recommend, Do Not Recommend, Strongly Do Not Recommend, and Do Not Know Well Enough to Rate Candidate. If an attorney did not know the candidates’ qualifications or had no opinion, they were instructed to mark “Do Not Know Well Enough to Rate Candidate.”
“The intent is not to endorse any particular candidate, but rather to inform the public of the opinions of the attorneys actively practicing in East Tennessee regarding candidates’ fitness to serve in the judicial and related offices to which they are seeking election. The Knoxville Bar Association is pleased to provide this service to members of our community who have few, if any, encounters with the court system,” said KBA President Loretta Cravens about the KBA’s Membership Survey policy. “An informed electorate is vital to the efficient administration of justice.”
The Survey was conducted electronically from June 26 until noon on July 14, 2023.
As a service to the community, the KBA has developed a “Get To Know Your Judicial Candidates” section on its website to provide information about the candidates running for Municipal Court Judge for the City of Knoxville. The site includes educational resources so voters will know what to look for in a judicial candidate and can make an informed decision at the ballot box. But the site’s primary focus is the biographical profiles of the individual candidates to provide a convenient way for voters in Knox County to obtain non-partisan information about candidates.
About the Knoxville Bar Association
The Knoxville Bar Association is a non-profit corporation organized to work for the improvement and increased effectiveness of the legal profession and the administration of justice. The Association, which has more than 1,800 attorney and law student members, offers continuing legal education and service to the community through programs such as the Lawyer Referral & Information Service, Legal Advice Clinics and LawLine OnLine. Additional public service information may be found at the Association’s website at