This week’s spotlight highlights KCHD’s Healthy Living Program 

 School is back in session and that means more traffic.

To help educate children on the topic of pedestrian safety, the Knox County Health Department has developed videos with the Knoxville Police Department, available here. Topics include: Wearing reflective gear, walking on sidewalks and reducing distractions.

The department also is reminding folks to check out Safe Routes to School.

In addition, KCHD assists schools interested in starting Walking School Bus programs, which involves group(s) of children walking to and/or from school with one or more adults.

More than 50 million children traveled to school in 2017, according to the most recent National Household Travel Survey. Some 54 percent were in a private vehicle, 33 percent in a bus and 10.4 percent walked.

“Not only is Safe Routes to School in Knox County making a difference by helping to keep kids safe, but it also encourages physical activity,” said Amber Ford, Public Health Educator. “Walking half a mile to and from school provides more than one-third of the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity. In the classroom, students who are active are shown to perform better academically and to have an easier time focusing on instruction.”

To find out what we can do together in your neighborhood, contact Amber Ford at the Knox County Health Department at 865-215-5819 or The Knox County Safe Routes to School Partnership can send a representative to a meeting at your school to talk about the program and answer questions.