Keep Knoxville Beautiful (KKB) will be hosting the sixth annual South Knoxville Community Cleanup on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The event will kick off at Sam Duff Park and Mary Vestal Park.

The South Knoxville Community Cleanup is KKB’s largest cleanup effort in South Knoxville each year. KKB is expecting 478 volunteers for the April 23 cleanup.

KKB will host cleanups at Sam Duff Park and Mary Vestal Park for individual volunteers. In addition, leaders from 24 South Knoxville neighborhoods and local community organizations will collect cleanup supplies at Sam Duff Park, then return to volunteers waiting at their designated locations all across South Knoxville to pick up litter. Participating neighborhood associations and organizations include Leaders from various South Knoxville neighborhoods and local community organizations will collect cleanup supplies at Sam Duff Park, then return to volunteers waiting at their designated locations to pick up litter. Participating neighborhood associations include Alpha Phi Omega, AOII x Sigma Chi, Apple Store, Bearden High, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Catholic Response to Climate Change(CRCC), Climb Knoxville, Commons Volunteers, First Horizon, Haslam College of Business, IA Collaborative, Lake Forest Neighborhood Association, Lake Glen Lane Community, Old Sevier Neighbors, Scabbard and Blade ROTC, South Doyle Neighborhood Association, South Haven Neighborhood Association, South Woodlawn Neighborhood Association, Starbucks, STEM at UTK, Studio Four Design Inc., TREC Trash Crew, Vestal Community Organization, and VOLServes.

Keep Knoxville Beautiful would like to thank our generous sponsors of the South Knoxville Community Cleanup: Aslan Foundation, TVA, First Neighborhood Realty, Three Rivers Market, KBrew, Nobody Trashes Tennessee, Knox County, the City of Knoxville, Alliance Brewing Company, and Junk Galaxy.

About Keep Knoxville Beautiful
Founded in 1978 to help “clean up” prior to the 1982 World’s Fair, Keep Knoxville Beautiful is a local non-profit with a mission to promote a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful community. We pursue this by:
• Educating students and the public about waste-prevention, litter, recycling, and environmental stewardship
• Facilitating and supporting litter pickups that make our roads and local waterways cleaner
• Creating and protecting murals and hosting beautification mobs to make Knoxville a more beautiful and interesting place to live and visit
During 2020-2021, we
• Facilitated or supported 400 litter pickups
• Collected 105,879 pounds of litter
• Managed 6 beautification projects
• Reached 3,169 kids with our presentations
• Used our recycling trailer and recycling bins to provide recycling for 10 events
• Worked with 3,460 volunteers
• Facilitated 8,255 volunteer hours

To learn more about Keep Knoxville Beautiful, visit