Knox County Schools would like to remind drivers this week to #STOPONRED

Students need to be sure to:

  •  Be at your assigned bus stop five minutes early.
  •  Do not use headphones or electronic devices while getting on or off a bus.
  •  Only cross in front of the bus when getting on or off.
  •  Always refrain from using rude, loud or abusive language on the bus.
  •  Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching to get on.
  •  Follow all bus rules—for your own safety and others!

Prentice Elliott of KCS-TV, with the help of some KCS safety patrol students and the Tennessee Highway Patrol, has created several PSAs illustrating the theme of this year’s safety week: #StopOnRed




In related news, 

Knox County School Bus Driver Awards this Wednesday

The October Knox County Schools’ Bus Driver Safety Awards will be presented at 11:00 a.m.,  Wednesday, October 18 at Ted Russell Ford, 8551 Kingston Pike. Five Knox County Schools’ bus drivers will be honored and given a Certificate of Appreciation from Knox County Schools along with a $100 check from Ted Russell Ford and a gift bag from WIVK.


All Knox County citizens are encouraged to join elected officials and others at the brief presentation to show appreciation for these drivers. The awards were initiated to honor the Knox County Schools’ bus drivers that do an excellent job in transporting our children every day. The five drivers honored each month have been graded with high standards by the Knox County Schools, the contractors, the Sheriff’s department and by school staff.

A special thank you to Ted Russell Ford and WIVK 107.7 for sponsoring these awards.

The five drivers selected this month are :

  • Kreis Baldridge – drives bus for Gentry Bus Lines at Norwood Ele.
  • Anna Cox – drives a bus for T&J Bus Lines at Halls
  • Deborah Ditchfield – drives a bus for BLJ Bus Lines at Farragut
  • Amy Ledbetter – drives bus for Ecco Bus Lines at Cedar Bluff
  • Gerald Roe – drives a bus for Gentry Bus Lines Brickey and Gresham



The Knox County Schools’ Bus Drivers Awards were started in May 2016 by At-Large Commissioner Bob Thomas to highlight many of the over 375 Knox County School bus drivers that do an excellent job transporting out children to and from school each day. For more information contact Commissioner Bob Thomas at 865-309-4364 or at