Celebrations Held Worldwide on May 7 in Recognition of National Homebrew Day
Knoxville Area Brewers Association (KABA) will host a National Home Brewers Day Homage on May 7 in honor of AHA Big Brew. KABA will brew Summertime Ginger Ale at the Last Days of Autumn Brewery.The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) created AHA Big Brew as an annual, worldwide celebration of National Homebrew Day. AHA Big Brew is held each year on the first Saturday in May and brings together thousands of homebrewers from around the world, all brewing the same beer recipes.
At noon Central time, homebrewers raise their glasses of homebrewed ales and lagers for a simultaneous toast to homebrewing, a hobby that hundreds of thousands of people all over the globe enjoy. More than 11,000 beer enthusiasts from North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and Australia are expected to participate this year. Head over to Last Days of Autumn Brewery at noon on Saturday to start brewing. Several KABA members have donated ingredients for the Summertime Ginger Ale.
KABA is happy to invite anyone interested in homebrewing to stop by from 12:00 p.m. until it is finished on Saturday, May 7, 2016 to join the fun!
“AHA Big Brew is a special day for homebrewers, allowing them to unite over what they love most: homebrewing,” said Gary Glass, director, American Homebrewers Association. “Regardless of which state, country or even continent they are from, homebrewers share a bond that is strengthened by knowing they are all brewing together. We are excited to see the breadth of homebrewers worldwide that participate in this year’s Big Brew.”
Homebrewers are encouraged to register their AHA Big Brew sites on the AHA website. For more information on AHA Big Brew, please visit the Events section of HomebrewersAssociation.org.
It is free to come over and talk and learn about brewing.