Knoxville SOUP is seeking entries for its next micro-funding event.
The next SOUP will take place at 6 p.m., Thursday, July 27, at the South Knoxville Community Center. The deadline to enter a project is Thursday, July 20.
SOUP is a grassroots organization that holds quarterly events at rotating locations to help raise money for projects that will benefit the community. Neighborhood and community groups, nonprofits, businesses and individuals are welcome to submit their projects for consideration.
Up to four projects are chosen to present at each event. Attendees listen to the proposals, then dine on a meal of soup and more, discuss the projects and vote on their favorite.
The project with the most votes wins the take from the door. (A donation of $5 per person is suggested for entry.) At the most recent SOUP, Marble Springs State Historic Site won $830 for its Educational School Tour Project.
The simple SOUP application is available at