Veterans Helping Veterans
The Tellico Village VFW Post 12135 asked the Loudon VFW Post 5150 and the three Loudon county American Legion Posts (70, 120, and 256) to join them in hosting a stand down. Along with several city, county, and state agencies the Loudon County Veterans Resources and Job Fair Program name was decided on. This event is for all Veterans in Loudon County and the surrounding counties.
This one day event has several exhibitors that cover all types of resources available to veterans in the local area.
The American Job Center Tennessee Veterans Outreach has lined up several area employers who will be there giving interviews and accepting job applications. Their Mobile Job Coach will be there for the veterans to use the computers for resumes.
Also there will be two retired Job Coaches assisting the veterans with resumes and job applications.
Several services are available:
- Job Fair
- General medical screenings and consultations – Covenant Health
- General Legal Assistance – Loudon County Bar Association
- Clothing Vouchers – The Good Neighbors Shoppe
- Lunch Served – Wamplers
- Veterans Services Handout
- Job Coaches – Assisting with resumes and job applications
Meet the new Loudon County Veterans Service Officer – Alvin Wagner
The Loudon County Veterans Resources and Job Fair Program is on March 16, 2019 from 10 AM to 2 PM. The location is at the War Memorial Building, 103 B Street, Lenoir City, Tennessee.
For more information you can contact John Lacko at 630-673-6400