With the warm weather and abundant rain we’ve had in Knoxville recently I wondered what the total impact on the ice-skating rink would be. So I requested from City of Knoxville, governmental communication media liaison special assistant Jesse Mayshark, the most recent updated numbers for the winter season so far. Mr. Mayshark, in quick fashion expedited the return of the information and provided the following…


“Per the ice rink manager:


As of Sunday, December 16 we had 8,176 skaters.  This same time last year thru Sunday, we had 8,365 skaters.  Considering the rain we have had and Thanksgiving falling earlier in the month, I think our attendance numbers are fantastic.  We are about 2% down from last year.  I actually think that we will do better this year with Christmas falling on a Tuesday.  Last year, weclosed at 3:pm on Saturday for Christmas Eve and closed all day Sunday for Christmas.  This year we will have three full operating days on the weekend before Christmas.  Tuesday historically is our slowest day, so Christmas should not affect us as much since it is falling on a Tuesday.”