Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs addressed “Safer at Home” guideline enforcement with the following statement in response to media inquiries.


“We all share the same goal of mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and ultimately must realize it’s up to individuals to make responsible decisions,” Mayor Jacobs said.


Mayor Jacobs continued: “We do not want to create a confrontational environment with the people we represent. We think it’s much better to take an approach of talking with people and educating them about the guidelines before we seek any legal action.”


“Even in a crisis, the rule of civil law still applies,” said Mayor Jacobs. “Due process has been expressly laid out by the Governor’s order, but also protocols have been developed locally to report non-compliant businesses to the health department.”


“I have been extremely pleased by the public’s response so far and expect it to continue. It’s great to see everyone come together as a community and rise to the occasion as Tennesseans always do.”


Complaints about non-compliant businesses are submitted to the City of Knoxville’s 311 Service Center and ultimately funneled to the Knox County Health Department (KCHD) for review. Operational businesses deemed non-essential by KCHD will be contacted and encouraged to close or modify how business is being conducted.