~ from the Office of Neighborhoods


Don’t miss this opportunity to receive recognition for the work your neighbors did during 2020 and through a pandemic, no less. Applications for the Neighborhood Achievement Award are due Friday, Feb. 5, by 4:30 p.m.


What creative, interesting, resourceful, clever projects have your neighborhood organizations done over the past year?


Whether your organization is large or small, well established or brand new, your group is encouraged to apply for these awards, which showcase accomplishments by neighborhood groups during the 2020 calendar year. Winners receive $75 for their Neighborhood Organization to use on future initiatives.


To apply, fill in the nomination form and email it to Courtney Durrett at cdurrett@knoxvilletn.gov OR mail it to Office of Neighborhoods, P.O. Box 1631, Knoxville, TN, 37901, no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5.  If you have questions or need a hard copy mailed to you, contact Courtney at 215-3232 or the above email.


Examples of accomplishments include, but are not limited to:

* Beautification and place-making projects, green spaces and community gardens, and other physical improvements to the neighborhood;


* Projects, events, and activities that focus on connecting neighbors with one another, such as street fairs, potlucks, home tours, holiday celebrations, and neighbors helping neighbors;


* New or ongoing communication efforts such as newsletters, social media, and phone tree networks; and


* Activities involved in launching, reviving, or strengthening a neighborhood group.


We are excited to see what creative things you have done in 2020 (and during a pandemic)!