Who: New Harvest Park Farmers Market
What: Opening day
When: Thursday, April 12 from 3 to 6 p.m.
Where: New Harvest Park, 4775 New Harvest Lane
The New Harvest Park Farmers Market will officially kick off its 2018 season on Thursday, April 12 at 3 p.m. with Knox County Commission Vice Chairman Charles Busler ringing the bell to get opening day started.
The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place at the park, located at 4775 New Harvest Park Lane.
“Come join the fun and kick off the 2018 season with your friends and neighbors,” said Rebecca Saldivar, manager of the New Harvest Park Farmers Market. “It’s a great opportunity to explore the variety of fresh, delicious food that we will have available.”
The New Harvest Park Farmers Market will be open every Thursday through mid-November from 3 to 6 p.m.
The April 12th event will include roughly 20 vendors and will feature an assortment of locally-grown produce, meats, artisan food products, honey, plants, herbs, flowers, crafts and much more. The market will host a number of bigger events throughout the year, including the popular Blueberry Festival. Those dates will be announced in a month or so.
The famers market participates in the Fre$h Savings program, which works in conjunction with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. Under it, participants who spend up to $20 per transaction on their SNAP card will get a matching amount in tokens to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at the market.
For more information on the program visit: http://www.aarp.org/aarp-foundation/our-work/hunger/info-2015/fresh-savings-shop-smarter-eat-healthier.html.
For more details on the market, visit (https://www.facebook.com/newharvestfm/) or (https://twitter.com/newharvestfm).