The Knoxville History Project (KHP) has partnered with the City of Knoxville’s Office of Neighborhoods and Office of Redevelopment to expand its Downtown Art Wraps program, introducing public art along the Magnolia Avenue Streetscape Project.

There will be an open house on Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 5:30 p.m. at the Pellissippi State Technical Community College, Magnolia Avenue Campus-Community Room, 1610 E Magnolia Ave.

The streetscape improvements along Magnolia Avenue span from Jessamine Street to North Bertrand Street and include four (4) new traffic signal control boxes. KHP is suggesting several notable artworks by Knoxville artists from the past to enhance the area.

The open house will present KHP’s available artwork supported by the Public Arts Committee along with a series of suggested archive photographs and images, including four historical photographs provided by the Beck Cultural Exchange Center.

KHP and City staff will share information on the program and discuss the input process to help expand the collection. Over time, the city hopes to extend the art wrap program further along Magnolia Ave. and to other locations throughout the community.



Do you use the Magnolia Ave./Rutledge Pike/Asheville Hwy Interchange to get to where you live, work, or play? Would you like to see improvements for this interchange? Come out and give your feedback!

The City will host an Interchange Study Open House on Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 5:30-7 p.m., at Honey Rock Victorious Church International, 4113 Holston Dr. Representatives from the City’s Traffic Engineering Department, Office of Redevelopment, and the Knoxville Transportation Planning Organization will offer interactive opportunities to gather input, offer ideas, and explain concerns.

Gresham Smith, the consultant, will prepare a transportation planning study and investments report to outline recommended improvements for the interchange. Representatives from Gresham Smith will be attending and available to hear input and answer questions. Your input will help explore options that meet the traffic needs and evaluate the interchange configuration in regards to its urban surroundings.

The Magnolia Ave./Rutledge Pike/Asheville Hwy Interchange study is in the beginning stages. All input gathered will be used to create improvement plans for the interchange. Future opportunities for comment will be available further along in the process



Thank you for participating in this community survey concerning the Strategic Master Plan for the Future Use of Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center.  Your input and opinions are important to the City of Knoxville and the master plan team.  Thank you for your interest in the project and for your participation in the discussion of important planning issues concerning the future of Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center.



Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center has long-served the residents of Knoxville as a productive community asset and an important gathering place.  For more than 100 years, Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center has been home to a wide diversity of events and visitors.  A strength of the Park is its appeal to a broad diversity of event and activity types, visitors, user bases, tenants, and industry segments.  Situated adjacent to Zoo Knoxville, Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center contains 81 acres and includes leasehold interests of The Muse, Tennessee Valley Fair, and Golden Gloves Charities.



The intent of the Master Plan is to guide the future direction and growth of Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center and its leaseholders—The Muse, Tennessee Valley Fair, and Golden Gloves Charities—in conjunction with the existing development plans of Zoo Knoxville, Magnolia Avenue corridor, and Burlington redevelopment.



This survey is seeking your feedback on your past experiences with Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center and its facilities, along with your opinions related to needed areas of focus for an investment strategy to improve and enhance Chilhowee Park and Exposition Center for the benefit of Knoxville citizens.  Please be as candid with your responses as possible and know that the information you provide will NOT be added to any type of sales-related database.  We will not attribute your name, email address or other contact information to the overall results.  Thank you in advance for your feedback.