~from the Office of Neighborhoods
The City of Knoxville’s Police Advisory and Review Committee (PARC) will hold its quarterly meeting on Thursday, Oct. 25, at 6 p.m. in the South Knoxville Community Center, 522 Maryville Pike.
PARC meetings are open to the general public and citizens concerned about crime, community policing, and public safety. PARC is an initiative under the Mayor’s Office to improve relationships between the public and police. PARC is the longest continuously running citizen-run police advisory board in Tennessee, comprising seven volunteers served by a full-time executive director who is hired by the Mayor and approved by the committee. PARC provides an independent review of police activity and makes recommendations to the Chief of Police.
For more information, contact the PARC office at 865-215-3869 or email Clarence Vaughn, PARC Executive Director, at cvaughn@knoxvilletn.gov .