PK HOPE IS ALIVE would like to thank everyone for coming out and walking, making donations, and volunteering and making our April 14th Parkinson’s Unity Walk A BIG success! We walked with other walkers across the country to help raise money for Parkinson’s research and to help find a cure!

Our Support Group would like to invite you to join us on Tuesday, June 19 for our monthly support meeting. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Kern Methodist Church located at 451 East Tennessee Ave. in their Family Life Center. Spouses and care givers are always welcome. We are pleased to have Stephen Cupp from Senior Helpers as our speaker this month. A light Lunch will be provided by Acadia Pharmaceuticals. We welcome you to join our Knoxville/Oak Ridge Support Group. We are affiliated with the Parkinson Foundation, The Michael J. Fox Foundation, along with Vanderbilt Research. Come join us and learn something new every month! For more information see us on the Web: or contact Alan Zimmerman at 865-693-5721.