Public Meeting:

Monday, March 21

4 to 6 p.m.

City County Building

Small Assembly Room


Public Meeting:

Thursday, March 24

5 to 7 p.m.

Mount Olive Elementary School Cafeteria

2507 Maryville Pike


Last year, Knox County acquired a 70-acre tract that adjoins IC King Park and connects to Maryville Pike. The acquisition will offer the ability to provide new park amenities, increase the park size to 219 acres, and allow for a new entrance to the existing park land that will create much safer access to the park.


Knox County is applying for a TDEC Local Parks and Recreation Fund Grant that could provide up to $500,000 for development of the new land. The development proposal includes parking, picnic shelter, children’s play area, rest rooms, shared-use trails and a dog park.


Public meetings are set to gather public comments for the project at the times and locations listed above. Those unable to attend the public meeting can visit for links to a Facebook event and online form where comments may be submitted.


For more information contact Jennifer Linginfelter at 865-215-4579 (office).