The City of Knoxville’s Fleet Services Department has recently introduced a TRX-440-Pro Remote Control Slope Mower to reduce the safety risk to Public Service crews.


The mower is operated by a remote control that features a joystick. A City worker will control the machine with the remote by line of sight. The controller has an automatic shutoff feature in the event that the mower goes beyond the controller’s signal.


The mower cost $22,500 and was purchased from Summit Mowers LLC, using a fund designated for replacement of Public Service equipment.


“As we upgrade equipment that needs to be replaced, we assess workers’ needs compared to developments in the market,” said Keith Shields, Director of Fleet Services. “In this instance, our upgrade will not only improve efficiency, but it also will guarantee further safety of City employees.”


The new mower can be used in places that are prone to dangerous rollovers, such as at Cal Johnson Park, where incidents have occurred. The tread on which the new mower maneuvers also open up the opportunity to maintain hills that – until now – have been too steep for a mower.


“As we all know, Knoxville has plenty of steep hills, which has made it challenging for our crews to mow under safe conditions,” said Chad Weth, Public Service Director. “Having a mower that can address hazardous hills keeps our crews out of harm’s way — a great benefit to our employees, their families, the department and the City in general.”


To see a video of the TRX-440-Pro Remote Control Slope Mower in action, click here:


For more information on the City’s Public Service Department, visit