In continuing the ongoing research into Second Creek,  a closer look has been taken at the  board that is suppose to to be working on greenway issues. According to the city’s greenway commission website two members are from the University of Tennessee. However, as revealed in a previous article written by the Focus, the city has been maintaining University property and responsibility for years. Also, it should be noted that it appears the commission has no member from the Knox County Sheriff Office, on that board.  However, it is that organization which performs thousands of hours of cleaning services of the city’s greenways. It should also be noted that the  current director of the prison inmate program spent eight years in the City of Knoxville Storm Engineering Department. Which really shows how deeply and personally Sheriff Jones, cares about and is committed to the environment.  Also, with so much data and so much work that needs to be done, this committee only meets once every two months. Finally, at this time it appears no minutes to these board meetings can be found online.

The role of this commission according to the official city website is stated as follows.  “The Greenways Commission was created to study the needs and desires of city residents and to promote the development of new greenways and the maintenance of existing ones.” Source

The next meeting for Greenways Commission is  on  October 14, 2014  at 4:00 pm  in  the Larry Cox Senior Center at 3109 Ocoee Trail. The Focus will be covering this meeting.

The Second Creek has been studied and written about in depth over the years. With many strong presentation of ideas.  So the commission has plenty of solid research for discussion. Below is  just a small list of some of the studies that have involved Second Creek. *excellent source of information