After a successful virtual 5K race for World Bee Day, Tennessee State Parks will host two virtual races for Independence Day weekend, running July 3-6.
The parks will host the Red, White and Raptors virtual 5K or 1 Miler that weekend. It will also host the Virtual Firecracker Glow Run on those dates.
“We have been pleased to see so many Tennesseans interested in staying active, and the virtual races are a great way for Tennessee State Parks to keep people engaged,” Jim Bryson, deputy commissioner of Tennessee State Parks, said. “As we continue to pay attention to guidelines for COVID-19, we hope people will participate in this way.”
A virtual race is a race that can be run or walked from any location. You get to run your race at your own pace and time it yourself. Whether the course is a personal treadmill or a neighborhood sidewalk, participants of all skill levels who like to run, walk, or a combination of both, can register for the virtual race.
A portion of the proceeds from the Red, White and Raptors virtual race will benefit the Tennessee State Parks Birds of Prey program, which helps raptor rehabilitation and upkeep throughout the state parks. The event is open to all skill levels. This race has a $20 registration fee for the 5K and includes a virtual bib, medal and a certificate of donation. The one-mile run has a registration fee of $15 and includes a virtual bib and a certificate of donation. Registration for the Red, White and Raptors virtual race is at
The Firecracker Glow Run, also open to all skill levels, is for either one mile or 5K. A portion of the proceeds from this race will benefit the Friends Group of Montgomery Bell State Park. The race has a $25 fee for the 5K and $15 for the one-mile run. Both include a virtual bib, medal and a certificate of donation. Registration for this virtual race is at