Tour de Lights will be back on the streets in Knoxville for its 16th year!
~ from VIsit Knoxville
Bike Walk Knoxville and Visit Knoxville are partnering to continue the Tour de Lights tradition in Knoxville. On Saturday, December 10th at 5:30 p.m., the community is invited to participate in the Tour de Lights presented by Visit Knoxville and Bike Walk Knoxville; a fun, free, family-friendly holiday bike ride. We are thrilled to announce the new route for this year! The ride will begin at Suttree Landing Park, explore South Knoxville including some of the IslandHome neighborhood, and then cross the Gay Street bridge to end in Market Square. In total, the route will be about 5 miles. Participants are encouraged to get in the holiday spirit by decorating themselves and their bikes. The event engages neighborhoods and businesses, along with others who come out to view the festivities.
Participants are encouraged to show up early and join in the festivities and stay after the ride to enjoy the holiday scenery and businesses in downtown Knoxville. Prior to the ride, local bike shops will be providing bike checks and assisting with basic bike maintenance, and the Epilepsy Foundation will begiving away helmets to children. Mast General and Three Rivers Market will be providing hot chocolate and cookies in Market Square following the event. We would like to thank our sponsors, whose generous support makes this event possible.
For more information, visit