More than 100 nonprofit and government agencies are registered for the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s first Nonprofit Day, to be held 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, in the Student Union ballroom.
Hosted by the Office of Community Engagement and Outreach, the event brings together UT faculty, staff, and students with community members and nonprofit and government agencies to collaborate on projects related to some of the most significant challenges in our region.
During the day, participants will attend speed breakout sessions—20-minute collaborative discussions among university and community members—that will address some of these issues. Representatives from UT departments will be in attendance and will facilitate discussions about community needs, student development, leadership and service, and enhanced public programs.
“Engagement is part of who we are and what we do,” said Javiette Samuel, director of community engagement and outreach at UT. “We are excited to showcase the countless ways that we can create and sustain more mutually beneficial university-community partnerships.”
More than 500 outreach and engagement projects across the state have been recorded in a database and mapped to show how the partnerships benefit communities and student growth. Nonprofit Day will bring these groups together to network and open doors for opportunities to work together in the future.
Community members and representatives from nonprofit and government agencies in Knox, Blount, Claiborne, and Sevier Counties will be in attendance. Speaking at the event will be UT Interim Chancellor Wayne T. Davis, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research Robert Nobles, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Engagement and Director of Undergraduate Research Marisa Moazen, and Director of Community Engagement and Outreach Javiette Samuel.