The Knoxville Fire Department is combining forces with American Red Cross to deliver and install – free of charge – 1,000 smoke alarms this coming Saturday, April 28, to residents in the Park City, Parkridge, and Beaumont neighborhoods.


To volunteer, call the Red Cross at 865-584-2999 or visit this sign-up page .


Saturday’s installations will take place from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Volunteers should be at the rally point — Chilhowee Hills Baptist Church, 4615 Asheville Highway — by 9 a.m.


If you need a smoke alarm but do not live in the above neighborhoods or will not be at home Saturday, you are invited to call the Red Cross at 584-2999 to schedule an installation appointment. Working smoke alarms cut the chance of fatality in house fires in half, the Red Cross says.


This is just the latest installment of the Red Cross’s “Sound the Alarm, Save a Life” campaign, which occurs amidst the reality that seven people die in home fires every day in the United States. Four adults and two children were consumed by smoke and flames at a house fire in Alcoa just this past Sunday.