By Mike Steely
In what appears to be a brief meeting for the Knoxville City Council Tuesday evening the council members may vote to annex two properties, one on Montlake Drive and Lynbrulee Lane and the other on Crystal Lake near Woodland drive.
All annexations into the city are now on request and the properties must adjoin city limits.
The council may also look at permitting the mayor to apply for a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, with an in-kind match from the city, for $12,000 to purchase bullet-resistant vests for the 15 new city law enforcement officers.
The Northwest Greenway Connection Project, Phase 2, may get $362,375 in an agreement with CDM Smith Inc. The contract proposal comes from the Department of Engineering.
The council may also amend the city code, Chapter 12 to clarify flooding regulations and remove unnecessary language.
In other action the council may vote to reduce the administrative cost and procedures for domesticated chicken permits in the city. Council may also issue a quitclaim deed to Aplos Home LLC for two parcels of property on Speedway Circle as part of the Homemakers Program for $6,000.
Two pensions are on the consent agenda for approval for James K. Arnold and Steve C. Webster. Also on the consent agenda is a certificate of compliance for Merchants Wine and Spirits in a renewal of the store’s state liquor license.