By Steve Hunley

Desperate Davis

Habitual candidate Elaine Davis has been a Democrat and a Republican. Davis was appointed to the Knox County Commission as a Democrat in 2006.  That same year she ran as a Democrat for the county commission and lost.  In 2008 she ran for the county commission once again as a Republican and lost.  That same year, she voted in the Democratic presidential primary.  In 2010 she tried to run for the Knox County Commission once again and failed to qualify for the ballot.  In 2012, Elaine Davis ran for the Knox County Board of Education and lost.  Two years ago, she ran for the Tennessee House of Representatives against Gloria Johnson as a Republican and lost.  This year she’s off once again running for the House of Representatives against Janet Testerman for the seat held by Eddie Mannis.  As in 2020, her campaign is once again managed by Erik Wiatr, who was also a Democrat.  Indeed, Wiatr, while living in Chicago, found the Democrats a bit too conservative for his liking.  Wiatr belonged to the Green Party for a time.  Here’s what the Green Party says they stand for on their website: “We are grassroots activists, environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters and regular citizens who’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. Government must be part of the solution, but when it’s controlled by the 1%, it’s part of the problem.”

Now both Davis and Wiatr present themselves as true believers.  So much so that they apparently think they get to determine who is and who is not a Republican.  Davis has accused Janet Testerman of supporting abortion in her campaign literature, which was a product of Wiatr’s management of her candidacy.  When interviewed by Victor Ashe for his column in the Knoxville News-Sentinel, Davis could offer no evidence at all to back up her claim.  That shouldn’t be surprising as it isn’t true.  Testerman opposes abortion except for three exceptions: in the case of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother.  Davis is also claiming Testerman, as a member of the Knoxville City Council, voted “to expand Knoxville’s Planned Parenthood to allow on-site surgical abortions.”  When Ashe asked Davis directly to offer any proof of her accusation, she “declined.”  In fact, it is not at all true.  The accusation is based upon a rezoning matter before the Knoxville City Council which was withdrawn and had nothing whatsoever to do with abortion.

Davis herself voted in the Democratic presidential primary in 2008 when the race was between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, neither of whom were against abortion – quite the contrary.

Considering both Elaine Davis and Erik Wiatr were Democrats it seems a bit doubtful they have both always been against abortion.  The truth is both are likely to belong more to the Rank Opportunist Party.


Transparency for thee, not for me

Speaking of the Knoxville News-Sentinel, a lawsuit has been filed by the Knoxville edition of USA Today in Chancery Court against the City of Knoxville.  The subject of their suit is forcing the administration of Mayor Indya Kincannon to be transparent in its hiring processes.  Even a blind pig finds a truffle every now and then.  Kincannon’s hiring of new police chief Paul Noel was about as transparent as an endless black hole.  In fact the citizens on the committee charged with reviewing the candidates for chief of police for the KPD were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements to prevent them from discussing the hiring process.  Say one thing and do another.  The fiction of the Kincannon administration: we are transparent y’all.  The fact of the Kincannon administration: not so much.  Not enough to hurt anything.


Liberal Hypocrisy

Stephanie Welch, the overly well-paid deputy mayor of Knoxville, has picked up and moved to Maine.  I suppose there’s room for discussion about whether or not she was too well-paid as, her role was really serving as Indya Kincannon’s brain.  While probably not all that stressful a job, I imagine it could be trying on occasion.  Local Democrats like to point to the number of employees in the office of County Mayor Glenn Jacobs.  By and large, county employees are nowhere near as well paid as city employees.  That is odd considering how much larger the county government is compared to the city government.  It is Knox County that operates the school system, libraries, the health department, etc.

Kincannon recently demonstrated the point I am making when her brain left town.  While claiming to have abolished one of THREE deputy mayors, she created TWO new jobs to take the place of ONE.  The City of Knoxville now has a new Chief Economic Development officer who will earn $174,187.  Knoxville also can boast it has a new chief of housing at an annual salary of $155,000.  Just think, our fair city requires someone making well into the six figures to oversee subsidized housing.

Government leaders need to be open and transparent and this includes you, Mrs. Kincannon.


Biden: Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?

Poor old Joe Biden doesn’t know which end is up.  Like a perfect snowflake, Biden has taken absolutely no responsibility whatever for the downward turn of the economy and the rising inflation hurting American families.  Biden has regularly been pitching various villains publicly, hoping the American people will blame one of the alleged culprits.  After “Putin’s price hike” didn’t stick, he’s tried to blame just about everybody coming and going; the oil companies, the Republicans, Russia, and gas station owners.

Even Jeff Bezos, the owner of the leftist Washington Post, has expressed his dismay over Biden’s lack of understanding of the economy, saying it’s either that or just plain BS.  With Biden’s favorability rating continuing to bottom out and no end in sight, it would seem Americans know exactly whose fault it is.

Now comes the news via a poll by the New York Times and Sienna College which shows 64% of Democrats don’t want old Joe Biden to run again in 2024.

Even the New York Times has published an editorial, which is a critique of some of the concerns people have about old Joe inside his own administration.  The Times even admitted the “Biden protection racket is over” inside much of the national media.


More Hypocrisy

Randi Weingarten is the president of the national teachers’ union.  Ms. Weingarten just released a survey stating educators are saying our classrooms are “too politicized.”  Of course, Randi put her own spin on that result, complaining about “political attacks on teachers waged by politicians stoking culture war and banning books for political gain.” Weingarten is the very same woman who snapped about allowing parental rights in education bills as “the way in which wars start.”

School choice advocate Corey DeAngelis took ol’ Randi to the woodshed and wore her wrinkly old bottom out on social media.  DeAngelis pointed out, “School closures have been made with politics in mind – – -not science.”  DeAngelis then pointed out, “Teachers unions influenced last-minute CDC school guidance, received copies before public release. . .”  As DeAngelis also pointed out, schools were reopened due to union influence rather than politics or safety for that matter.  And there is a trail of emails to prove it.

Weingarten was a big proponent of keeping schools closed, as well as having defended the teaching of Critical Race Theory in classrooms (pot meet kettle).  As one social media critic stated, if Randi Weingarten wants to see who politicized America’s classrooms, she only has to look into the mirror.  Weingarten is peeved precisely because parents are becoming more watchful and involved.

Tim Young, a columnist for the Washington Times, tweeted, “The Leftist who specifically called for politicization in schools . . . is shocked when 9 out of 10 people are upset about it.”