The impending decline of civilization

By Tom Mattingly QUESTION: What does Neyland Stadium have in common with Wrigley Field? ANSWER: It took an eternity for lights to come to both venues. That raises another pertinent question. How did we ever get along without lights illuminating the playing field,...


To [teach], or not to [teach], that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them. Hamlet abridged (William Shakespeare). By Dr. Jim Ferguson...

A Lifetime of Nose Dives

By Joe Rector I’m moving into a clumsy stage of life. People have told me it would come, but I fooled myself into believing I could escape it. All my life, I’ve not been graceful or even close to being light on my feet, so thinking for even one second I could avoid...

Special Day for Siblings

By Ralphine Major Nowadays it seems there is a special day designated for nearly everything. A few years ago, National Siblings Day was added to the month of April which was already packed with significant holidays including Palm Sunday, Good...