Early Voting for the Nov. 3 Election Starts Tomorrow

Early voting for the Nov. 3 State and Federal Primary and County General election starts tomorrow, Wednesday, Oct. 14. Early voting runs Monday to Saturday until Thursday, Oct. 29. Early voting offers Tennesseans the flexibility of evening and Saturday hours, along...

KAT Routes to Early Voting Locations are Fare-Free

Due to the pandemic, KAT is continuing to operate fare-free to limit close contact on buses and keep passengers and operators safe.  As a result, transit service to several early voting locations also comes free of charge, making it easier than ever to cast your vote....

CAC needs volunteer drivers

Volunteer Assisted Transportation, a volunteer driver program of the Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee, is seeking volunteer drivers to assist seniors and people with disabilities in Knox County. Are you a people person? Do you like helping others? This...