By Ralphine Major
It started with “The Real McCoy.” My first column was about Dr. Kyle McCoy, our mother’s cardiologist. The time we spent in cardiac rehab after her heart attack in 2007 gave us valuable insight on heart disease, but a side benefit was even greater—treasured friendships.
Rolland and Marjorie Trask, best known as “Rollie and Marge,” moved here from Virginia. He spent 43 years working for the U.S. Government as a soldier and Civil Servant in Personnel. She was a housewife and teacher. The veteran celebrated his 89th birthday last month! Originally from Minnesota, they now enjoy retirement living near family on their beautiful East Tennessee farm. “God has blessed us for 66 years through thick and thin, sickness and health and most importantly with a family anyone could be envious of,” Marge said. “Not to mention the dearest of relatives and friends,” she added. The Trasks have four wonderful sons and “the greatest of daughters-in-law,” according to Marge. Whenever we saw them, it seemed they were always traveling somewhere across the country to a family wedding or reunion. With 13 grandchildren, there have been lots of weddings! Now, they are enjoying their precious 19 great-grandchildren!
Besides Minnesota, Virginia, and Tennessee, the Trasks have lived in Guam, Labrador, California and Nebraska and traveled to 43 states! Through their moves and travels, they have made plenty of friends. It was not unusual for them to bring friends visiting from out of town to cardiac rehab. We know from experience that the Minnesota natives not only make us feel welcome in their home, Marge always sends us home with a generous supply of her delicious fresh-baked goodies! It was just before Christmas when we last visited the Trasks, and Marge was working on a huge stack of Christmas cards to family and all those dear friends.
What a surprise it was in rehab to learn from the Trasks that McCoy was Rollie’s heart doctor, also. We are so blessed to have met such a kind-hearted couple in a most unexpected way! The Major “3” are so happy to be included on that long list of friends the Trasks have made over the years! May this February bring Focus readers the best of heart health—and friends! Happy Valentine’s Day!