Sex On An Airplane – A Clean Story

By John J. Duncan Jr.


I would like to invite you to attend a program about my career and a book signing at the Howard Baker Center at UT from 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. on Tuesday, December 5.

I have written a book about my early life, my law practice, judgeship, and mostly about my 30 years in Congress. It is entitled “From Batboy To Congressman – 30 years in the U.S. House.”

In my career, I had many strange, funny and unusual things happen. My book is about 160 pages with 203 short stories or vignettes about my career. Some are serious, some are humorous, all are true and all were written by me – no ghostwriter.

I have stories like sex on an airplane (a clean story), desperate housewives, when some Baptists stole the airport toilet paper, the only time the word “urinated” was used in an obituary, etc.

You will learn what Howard Baker’s favorite story was and what Lamar Alexander said was the worst job in Tennessee. You will get a big laugh out of what my late wife said to Donald Trump when he called to thank me for my endorsement.

It is almost worth the price of the book to read the email I got from a little boy in Knoxville who asked if he got 2,000,000 signatures, would I do away with homework.

You will read about why I didn’t run for the U.S. Senate, even though I was offered several million dollars to do so. And what I said about moving the Capitol to Knoxville so I could run for governor.

There are stories about all the presidents with whom I served and serious comments about trying to get along with Democrats so I could get things done for my District.

I had a fascinating law practice and judgeship for 16 years before going to Congress. I tried cases involving James Earl Ray and the famous madam Hazel Davidson when I was a judge.

You will read about the Perry Mason ending to my very first case as a young lawyer – a first degree murder case.

Anyone interested in law, politics, Tennessee history, and even sports would enjoy my book. It would make a very nice Christmas present.

The retail price of the book is $24.95 plus tax, but the UT Press allows me to sell the book for $20, including the sales tax, a savings of over $7.00 and some cents.

I hope you will come and bring your spouse, friend, or child – young or old – to my book signing.

Several people who have read the book have told me it is just like I was sitting there telling these stories directly to them. A man from Kentucky who I do not know wrote to say that when he heard about my book “I knew I wanted to read it. I liked it even better than I expected.” He said his wife then “read it and enjoyed it, too.”

I believe everyone would enjoy my book. If you don’t enjoy it, I will give you your money back – but you would have to pass a lie detector test first.