January 20th Can’t Come Soon Enough
By Steve Hunley
Time magazine has named President-elect Donald Trump as its “Person of the Year” for 2024. Trump was also named as “Person of the Year” in 2016 when he upset Hillary Clinton to be elected for his first term as president. Trump’s election to a second term following his defeat in the 2020 election is truly historic.
Only once before in the 248 years of our country’s existence has a former president been elected, defeated and then once again elected to the highest office in the land. Yet it is all the more remarkable as I can think of no person during my lifetime who has been so uniformly maligned, mistreated, and just plain lied about as Donald J. Trump has been. The corporate media of this country abandoned journalism to become if not an actual adjunct to the national Democratic Party, then certainly an ultra-partisan and completely biased entity promoting the narratives pushed by the Left in our country. The mainstream media is still in shock that Trump won the election, polled more popular votes than Kamala Harris and carried every “swing” state. And it is appropriate to keep in mind that when you hear the corporate media and Democrats howl about “the rich” and “billionaires” with reference to Trump and GOP policies, the Democrats raised and spent close to $2 billion in less than three months for Harris. That money didn’t trickle out of the pockets of the “little fellow,” but rather from the special interests, elitists, and billionaires who are their core constituency. Also keep in mind that Harris and the Democrats outspent Trump and the Republicans two-to-one in the final months of the campaign.
It is also well to keep in mind that the Left and their allies in the media really do believe that we are stupid. They haven’t still quite figured out that more people saw through their deceptions and lies trying to deny for 3 ½ years there was a crisis at our southern border. More people than not saw through their lies that Joe Biden had seriously degenerated mentally. And now, with the pardon of his son, Hunter, they see that Biden himself is a liar. Biden also made a liar out of his press secretary Pinocchio Jean-Pierre.
Of course, the national media has been lying to the American people routinely for years now, denouncing legitimate questions and statements of fact as “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “conspiracy theories.” The zeal and ruthlessness with which they closed down any attempt to have an open and transparent conversation about the Covid crisis could hardly have been equaled by any autocratic ruler. Their minions in the media and the insane Left in localities from here to Cucamonga were ready to cancel and destroy the reputations and lives of anyone who questioned or disagreed with their holy orthodoxy during their own version of the Spanish Inquisition. The shoes continue to drop about things that the Left has long denounced as rumor at best and conspiracy theory at worst. For instance, it has now been verified that there were 26 FBI informants outside the Capitol on January 6, 2021. At least three of them had been assigned to be there by the FBI.
As is always the case with those who refuse to tell the truth, there is quite a lot of backpedaling going on presently. Former President Bill Clinton says he would be willing to talk to Biden about a pardon for his wife, Hillary. There are those in the media who are calling for Biden to issue “preemptive” pardons for Anthony Fauci, Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney and a host of others. The Left squalls about vengeance and while the Left can clutch their pearls and screech that all of these folks are innocent of any wrongdoing, the fact remains people who aren’t guilty of anything don’t need pardons.
Taking false information, which was the product of a failed spy and paid for by a political campaign to defame its opponent and devoid of truth, to a federal court is a crime by any definition.
Joe Biden’s twisted logic that Hunter had been made a target by political opponents is preposterous. Hunter Biden was found guilty by a jury in his home state of Delaware. The infamous laptop from hell filled with Hunter’s sordid and squalid life adventures explains how he refused to pay income taxes and spent the money he earned through influence peddling on hookers and drugs. No political opponent did that. The nut-cake Left would have us believe that an addict is not responsible for his actions and therefore incapable of committing a crime. Wrong!
The thing that still eludes these supposedly intelligent people, the Left and the media in this country, is their own excesses are responsible for the American people reelecting Donald J. Trump as president of the United States. Even Congress is held in higher regard by Americans than the corporate media. The media outlets would do well to read those poll numbers and consider it.
A prime example should be Joe Scarborough and his wife Mika Brezenski who, after months of calling Trump “Hitler,” suddenly experience a revelation and scurry down to Mar-a-Lago to show they can talk to the president-elect. Does anybody in his or her right mind really believe serious, thoughtful, rational people would hurry to have a cup of coffee with Hitler? Of course not. We knew they were lying when they said it. They have zero credibility about anything.
Now we have Don Lemon, who is less relevant now than a cable access show with two teenagers broadcasting from their basement, throwing a hissy fit about Trump having been named as Time’s “Person of the Year.” Don Lemon wonders if it’s a joke. No, Donnie, you can see the joke in the mirror when you shave in the morning.
DNCNBC, CNN and other networks parceling out the leftist narrative in this country have seen their ratings swirl around the bowl and for good reason.
The Biden presidency was founded on a lie; he would unite our country and would govern from the center. He did neither. Ultimately, Joe Biden will be remembered as a failing old man long past his prime who was so addled he could barely complete a sentence and his place in history will likely rank with that of our worst chief executives. Biden did that the old-fashioned way, he earned it.
There is nothing wrong with the idea of Making America Great Again. As slogans go, there could not be a better one. Any patriot should love his or her country. All of us should be ready to acknowledge that some things in our nation could be better and we should all work to make those things better. To tear down, denigrate and debase our nation is not only unpatriotic but also horrific. There is nothing wrong at all with loving one’s country.
Working Americans realize that and the contempt those media types and professional agitators and Leftist weirdos have for our country is offensive. Donald Trump is the tip of the spear of those thoughts and feelings. He really is the person of the year for 2024.