A true All-American football player

A true All-American football player By Tom Mattingly When I once wrote a column asking Vol fans to name the legendary figures over the course of Tennessee football history, someone wrote in and nominated George Cafego, the Vol tailback from 1937-39 and assistant coach...

468 pages cover-to-cover

468 pages cover-to-cover By Tom Mattingly The “2023 University of Tennessee Record Book,” another in a line of documents once historically referenced as a “Football Media Guide” or a “Football Brochure,” covers 468 pages and offers answers to nearly any question the...

‘A unique glow, a unique ambience’

‘A unique glow, a unique ambience’ By Tom Mattingly In this business, it has always been fascinating to look at some of the game films (most now on videotape) and photos from Tennessee home games from the 1950s into the early 1970s, almost all played in...

‘Memories by the bushel’

‘Memories by the bushel’ By Tom Mattingly Over the years, football fans seem to make critical, life-changing decisions about team allegiances in their most tender years and live with the impact of those decisions through the rest of their lives. College...

Who played in the final Garden State Bowl?

Who played in the final Garden State Bowl? By Tom Mattingly Who played in the final Garden State Bowl? It’s been more than 40 years since the bowl’s demise on Dec. 13, 1981, but fans in the know in Knoxville, Tenn., and Madison, Wis., know the answer, almost by heart....

Fascinating Interviews

Fascinating Interviews By Tom Mattingly Who might be among the most fascinating people you have interviewed or written about during your professional writing career? That question has been raised more than once in a number of forums. Col. Tom Elam, the self-described...