Cultural Appropriation is Mostly Nonsense

By Dr. Harold A. Black I don’t understand the term “cultural appropriation.” Sure I know that the dictionary says “adoption of certain language, behavior, clothing, or tradition belonging to a minority culture or social group by...

May I Have a Moment?

May I Have a Moment? By Jedidiah McKeehan When you watch legal tv shows and movies the lawyers are almost always depicted as having incredible ability in the courtroom. They hammer away at the witnesses without a moment’s hesitation. No word is ever mispronounced. If...

Winter Musings

  “Sh*tter’s full.” Cousin Eddie from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation By Dr. Jim Ferguson These days, I have more time to reflect and write since I am no longer running to the hospital or to the office to see patients. Nor am I rushing to get home for...

Grateful List

Grateful List By Joe Rector I watched a movie the other night, and although I have no idea what the title was, it made me start thinking. I’m the same way with books. Most of the time, I have no idea who wrote the novel or what the title is. If either a movie or a...

Fall, Football and Friendships

Fall, Football and Friendships By Ralphine Major For years, it has taken place on the third Saturday in October—the highly anticipated football game between Tennessee and Alabama. It is almost impossible to watch a Tennessee-Alabama game...