Job titles in a law firm

By Jedidiah McKeehan As my wife often tells me, lawyers use funny words and phrases that are unnecessary, just to make themselves seem important.  Well, sometimes I agree with her.  Even some of the job titles we give out for those people working at a law firm can be...

A Glimpse of Heaven

By Ralphine Major At first glance, there seemed to be a divine aura about it.  The country road looked like it was  leading straight up into the heavens.  The mountains, barely visible above the fog, added to the unusual setting.  I looked at it for several minutes as...

They’ve made life fuller

By Joe Rector If a person lives long enough, he can find himself smack dab in the middle of bunches of different folks. With a little luck, he might even build relationships and friendships with folks in those groups. From first grade to retirement, those people make...

The Difference

By Dr. Jim Ferguson Thanksgiving is late this year, so my thankful thoughts are consequently a bit late in November. I am thankful for many things, certainly more than things I whine about, such as the aches and pains commensurate with traveling around in a body that...