What is a Motion for Default?

By Jedidiah McKeehan Occasionally I will have a potential divorce client call me and say something like, “They told me they would not give me a divorce, what can I do to leave this person?” Thankfully, you do not need the other person’s involvement in a case to get a...

Lack of skill costs

By Joe Rector I’m sitting in the waiting room of a car dealership this morning. No, I’m not looking to buy a new, or even a used, vehicle. Instead, it’s oil change time for my wife’s car, I always wait for a coupon to pop up to find the best deals for these kinds of...

February, the Month for Heart Health Checkups

By Ralphine Major ralphine3@yahoo.com It was a long night on that Palm Sunday, April 1, 2007.  Our mother suffered a heart attack after experiencing nausea and cold sweats.  My brother and I sat in the waiting room for hours while the doctors put stents in to open the...

Today’s liberals oppose free speech

By John J. Duncan Jr. Sen. Joseph McCarthy died in 1957, but the term associated with his name – McCarthyism – has lived on. Since the 1950s, this term has generally been used by those on the left to mean an untrue or greatly exaggerated charge of communism or...