
By Dr. Jim Ferguson There is a proverb which says, “familiarity breeds contempt.” The notion is the more you get to know someone, the more likely you are to see their shortcomings. I disagree with this old saw. I believe the more you know about someone or something,...

A little light in the darkness

By Joe Rector It’s been another hard few weeks for us in the USA. Impeachment inquiries continue, Mick Mulvaney confirmed the “quid pro quo” before trying to deny it, and US troops abandoned the Kurdish allies in Syria. We’re reeling from the bad news, and some feel...

Finding Fall!

By Ralphine Major She made her entrance ever so quietly this year.  “Fall” opened her gifts of spectacular color much later than usual, making a bridge between summer’s stifling humidity and the harsh winds of winter. Long-time friend Bryce Williams,...

The NCAA Is Still the Worst

By Alex Norman There are a few constants in life. Death will come to us all. The tax man will knock on your door every April. And the NCAA will remain an organization with major flaws… flaws that they have no real desire to fix. The most recent example is the case of...